Cookies are text files containing small portions of information that are stored on the user’s device (computer, tablet, smartphone) when visiting a website. Cookies allow the site to “remember” the user’s computer, but not specifically who uses it, and to make the browsing experience more enjoyable.
By associating the identification codes of cookies with other information about the user such as, for example, the data collected when the user logs on to the site, you can know that the information contained in the cookie concerns the user.


There are numerous technologies used to store information in the user’s computer, which are then collected by the sites. Among these, the most known and used is that of HTML cookies.
They serve to facilitate navigation and to facilitate the access and use of the site by the user. They are necessary for the transmission of communications over an electronic network or to the provider to provide the services requested by the customer.
The settings to manage or disable cookies may vary depending on the Internet browser used.
In any case, the user can manage or request the general deactivation or deletion of cookies, by changing the settings of their Internet browser.
This deactivation may slow down or prevent access to certain parts of the site.
The use of technical cookies allows the safe and efficient use of the site.
Cookies that are placed in the browser and retransmitted Google Analytics or through the service Statistics Blogger or similar are technical only if used for the purpose of optimizing the site directly by the owner of the site, that may collect information in aggregate form on the number of users and how they visit the site.
Under these conditions, the same rules apply to Analytics cookies, in terms of information and consent, provided for technical cookies.


Profiling cookies are aimed at creating profiles related to the user and are used in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the same in the context of surfing the net. Due to the particular invasiveness that such devices may have in the private sphere of users, the European and Italian legislation provides that the user must be adequately informed about the use of the same and thus express their valid consent.
The storage of information in the terminal equipment of a contracting party or user or access to information already stored is only allowed provided that the contracting party or user has given his consent after being informed in a manner simplified.
Cookies have also been categorized according to the entity that operates as the owner of the processing of personal data collected by the cookie, distinguishing between first-party cookies and third-party cookies.


These are the cookies managed by the owner of the site. For these cookies, the obligation to inform the owner of the site. It is also up to the latter to indicate how to block the cookie.


These are cookies managed by a third party other than the site owner.
For these cookies, the obligation of information and indication of the methods for blocking the cookie is the third party, while the owner of the site is obliged to insert on the site the link to the site of the third party where these elements are available.
Third-party cookies can be installed both analytical and profiling. They are sent from third-party domains external to the site.
Third-party analytical cookies are used to detect information about user behavior on the site. The survey takes place anonymously in order to monitor the performance and improve the usability of the site.
Third-party profiling cookies will be used to create profiles relating to users, in order to offer advertising messages in line with the choices made by the users themselves.
The use of these cookies is governed by the rules prepared by the third parties themselves, therefore, we invite users to read the privacy policies and indications to manage or disable cookies published in the relevant web pages.
In both types of cookies (first-party or third-party) the collection of consent, necessary if the cookie is a profiling cookie, is via a banner on the home page of the site.


With reference to the “duration” cookies can be classified in session cookies and persistent cookies.


Session cookies are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie folder of the user’s browser until the browsing session ends.
These cookies are destroyed once the browser is closed. Their use is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers consisting of random numbers generated by the server, necessary to allow safe and efficient exploration of the site.
Persistent cookies
Persistent (or even permanent) cookies remain stored until the expiry date and are not destroyed when the browser is closed.
These cookies are used to identify the user and thus avoid login to each page visited and those permanent ones that remain active on the PC until expiry or cancellation by the user


The website uses only technical and session cookies, listed below:

_gid Technical 10 minutes Tracking cookies for the recognition of users.
privacy_embeds Technical Browser closing This cookie is used to store the choice not to display the message about cookies. It lasts as long as the user session remains active.
wordpress_test_cookie Technical Browser closing WordPress uses this cookie on the login page to check if the user’s browser is set to accept or not accept cookies. Its use is limited to the administration area of the site. Path of the cookie:/
wfwaf-authcookie-xxx Technical When the browsing session ends Cookie used by the Wordfence firewall to run a user performance test before WordPress is loaded.
wp-settings-1 Technical 1 year This cookie is used by WordPress to customize the display of administration interface and possibly even the main site interface. Path of the cookie:/
wp-settings-time-1 Technical 1 year
wordpress_xxxxx Technical When the browsing session ends This cookie is used by WordPress to customize the display of administration interface and possibly even the main site interface. Cookie path:/wp-content/plugins
wordpress_xxxxx Technical When the browsing session ends This cookie is also used by WordPress to customize the display of administration interface and possibly even the main site interface. Cookie path:/wp-admin
_ga Analytical 2 years Third-party tracking cookies (Google Analytics) used for analysis of visits.
_gat Analytical 10 minutes Third-party tracking cookies (Google Analytics) used for analysis of visits.

(Google Analytics) These cookies are intended to collect information on the way visitors use our site. We use the information to compile reports and optimize the site. Cookies acquire information anonymously, including the number of visitors to the site, the origin of visitors and the pages consulted.
Click here to view an overview of Google’s privacy policy (
To avoid being tracked by Google Analytics during website visits, please refer to


This site contains links to other websites.
The Company does not control cookies or the tracking technologies of other websites to which this Cookie Policy does not apply.
The operators of websites that use cookies or other tracking technologies must inform the user about the types of cookies used by the site and request the prior consent of the same to the sending of such cookies on the user’s terminal device and/or access to the information recorded therein.
The only exceptions to the request for consent are cookies strictly necessary for the management of the site or for the provision of services expressly requested by the user.
The website contains links and/or links to the following websites:

Facebook page:
LinkedIn page:


To limit or block cookies set by our website, or by any other website, you can change your browser settings. The Help function of your browser will explain how. For more information about cookies, including how to see which cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, see
You can also visit the website to see more information about cookies on your device, set by other companies, and decide not to accept them, at your discretion.
However, if you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including strictly necessary cookies), you will not be allowed to access all or part of our site. Unless you have changed your browser settings to reject cookies, our system will issue cookies as soon as you consult our site


For more information and clarifications, users can contact the Company at the following addresses:
By registered post: Via Dogana Vecchia 2, 6900 Lugano – Switzerland
By email:
By telephone: +41(0)91 913 99 00
This information relates exclusively to this site.

Last update 05/03/2020.