
Tax & Legal clarity
in a changing world

Our experience and expertise are at the service of our clients in order to develop customised solutions in a relationship of clarity and transparency

Steimle & Partners Consulting SA is a company providing tax and business legal advice and related services, founded in 2003, which since January 2022 has been part of the group Fiduciaria Mega.
This union has created an enlarged and diversified centre of competences to the benefit of our clients.

Peter Steimle, the founder and senior managing director, has more than 30 years experience as a professional in the field of tax and commercial law.

Our partners and specialists are dedicated to the constant search for optimal tax and business legal solutions for companies and individuals that invest and operate in Switzerland, both in a national and an international context.

We follow with particular attention regulatory developments both at a Swiss and at international level. We focus on the variables that may affect the investment and asset management decisions of a company, entrepreneur or private investor and their family.

Through a well-qualified and proven network of external correspondents and professional partners operating nationally and internationally, and thanks to our multilingual team, we are able to provide targeted advice and operational support at home and abroad.

Expertise and Services

Consultancy and services for individuals

The individual, as a taxable person (independently whether subject to unlimited or limited taxation) is   exposed increasingly to complex tax rules in a context of enhanced tax transparency. In addition, the considerable mobility of people requires the intervention of specialists.

Consultancy and services for legal entities

The complexity mentioned for individuals also applies to legal entities. In addition, they must comply with the OECD’s regulations on BEPS, transposed by the individual states, and the revised Swiss corporate tax legislation. This requires constantly updated expertise on the part of consultants and advisors.

Tax news – Location Ticino

Canton Ticino tax reform to increase fiscal attractivity: an overview

June 2024 –  Download File

Exchange of tax relevant information between Switzerland and the United States, also automatic as per FATCA Model 1

March 2024 – Download File

Canton Ticino: general revision (for tax purposes) of property valuations in 2025: tax consequences for property owners?

November 2023 – Download File

Location Switzerland and Canton Ticino

Relocation to Switzerland, Canton Ticino for EU/EFTA citizens

March 2024 – Download File

Relocation to Switzerland, Canton Ticino for non-EU/EFTA citizens

March 2024 – Download File

Exaustive summary relocation to Switzerland and Ticino

March 2024 – Download File

  • Steimle & Partners Consulting SA
    Via Dogana Vecchia 2,
    6900 Lugano – Switzerland